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Arco dei Becci, San Gimignano, Siena. Author and Copyright Marco Ramerini.

Video: San Gimignano


Located in a dominant position on the Val d’Elsa, the medieval town of San Gimignano is one of the jewels of Tuscany. This spectacular Tuscan village is famous for its medieval towers that characterize its skyline. Because of this characteristic it has earned the name of “city of the beautiful towers”. San Gimignano is characterized by its medieval architecture almost intact where, in addition to 14 towers houses of varying heights, valuable buildings of Romanesque and Gothic architecture and a beautiful city wall with its gates have been preserved.

Among the most remarkable examples of historic buildings San Gimignano includes: the Town Hall  (Palazzo Comunale), the Collegiate Church (also known as the Duomo) and the Church of Sant’Agostino all buildings full of beautiful frescoes. In San Gimignano are spectacular medieval views such as those that can be admired in Piazza della Cisterna and Piazza del Duomo. The “Historic Centre of San Gimignano”, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1990. In the town there are some interesting museums including the Civic Museum located in the historic town hall and which houses works by Pinturicchio, Benozzo Gozzoli, Filippino Lippi, Domenico Michelino and others. Among the famous local products is the Vernaccia di San Gimignano, a white wine produced from ancient varieties of Vernaccia grape, which is grown on the sandstone hills of the area.



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