Home / Cities / Pisa


Cathedral of Pisa: an architectural masterpiece

The Cathedral of Pisa, dedicated to Santa Maria Assunta, is the main example of a religious building in the Pisan Romanesque style, it was built between 1064 and 1118, the year of its consecration, and expanded in the following centuries. Various architects worked on its construction including Buscheto, Rainaldo, Guglielmo and Biduino. A MASTERPIECE OF ROMANESQUE ARCHITECTURE Masterpiece of Romanesque ...

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Piazza dei Miracoli or Piazza del Duomo in Pisa

The Piazza del Duomo of Pisa or Campo dei Miracoli is the main tourist attraction of this Tuscan city. The square has been one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites since 1987, overlooked by buildings of great artistic value such as the Duomo (Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta), the Baptistery (dedicated to St. John the Baptist), the Campo Santo monumental ...

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Video: Pisa

Pisa was an important maritime town that between the eleventh and twelfth centuries expanded its trade and its conquests. The Republic of Pisa at that time controlled the Corsica, the Balearic Islands and part of Sardinia, businesses and commercial colonies of Pisa stretched from Spain to Tunisia, to Southern Italy, to the Byzantine Empire, up to arrive in Syria, Lebanon and ...

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The climate of Pisa: when to go to Pisa

Pisa is located a few kilometers from the coast of the Tyrrhenian Sea, its location near the sea makes the climate of the city temperate Mediterranean. The proximity to the sea has beneficial effects on the climate of the city, in fact mitigates the heat during the summer months and makes milder winters than the inland locations of Tuscany. The ...

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