Home / Itineraries / Cala Violina: the most beautiful beach of Maremma
Cala Violina, Scarlino, Grosseto. Author and Copyright Marco Ramerini

Cala Violina: the most beautiful beach of Maremma

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Cala Violina is a charming part of the Maremma Grossetana, it’s located in the heart of the Natural Reserve of the Bandite di Scarlino, within the Protected Area of Local Interest of the Costiere di Scarlino.

The Bandite di Scarlino is a forest complex of large size (about 8,700 hectares), which are part of the municipalities of Castiglione della Pescaia, Gavorrano, Scarlino and Follonica. Bandite is a name, which may be confuse being in the Maremma, is derived by the announcements that were made for the sale of lots of woods. This forest complex callad Bandite have an adequate and efficient network of marked trails for hiking and mountain biking.


The most beautiful path of the area is undoubtedly the Costiere, which access is allowed only on foot, horseback or bicycle. The path reaches rocky coves of unquestionable beauty, like that of Cala Francese, Cala Martina and Cala Violina.

Cala Martina, Scarlino, Grosseto. Author and Copyright Marco Ramerini

Cala Martina, Scarlino, Grosseto. Author and Copyright Marco Ramerini

Cala Violina can be reached along a scenic and easy trail (flat) along the coast, allowing beautiful views over the bay of Follonica, the promontory of Piombino, Elba island, the island of Cerboli, the island of Montecristo, the peninsula of Punta Ala and if the day is clear even the mountains of Corsica.

Coming from Follonica, take the main road between Follonica and Castiglione della Pescaia (Road of Collacchie) direction of Castiglione della Pescaia. Once you arrive at Puntone, immediately after the traffic lights turn right into the Lungomare Garibaldi, in the direction of the Tourist Port. From here continue straight on and just before the restaurant Cantuccio you can park your car. After a few tens of meters to the restaurant is a gate where start the path n°1 that leads to Cala Violina beach, the trail is either on foot or by bicycle.

The distance to be covered on foot to reach Cala Violina beach is about 4 km, which takes approximately one hour (round trip: 8 km, 2 hours). After the gate, the trail enters the maquis, with fine views over the bay and “Le Costiere”.

Cala Violina con i resti delle alghe della Posidonia Oceanica disseminati lungo la spiaggia, Scarlino, Grosseto. Author and Copyright Marco Ramerini

Cala Violina with the remains of seagrass Posidonia Oceanica scattered along the beach, Scarlino, Grosseto. Author and Copyright Marco Ramerini


After little more than 2 km you will reach Cala Francese and Cala Martina, here a stone into the sea and a monument beside the path remind Giuseppe Garibaldi. In 1849 Garibaldi, escaped from papal guards, rested near Scarlino, before resuming the escape sailing precisely from Cala Martina. Cala Martina is a corner of green and transparent sea, surrounded by beautiful Mediterranean vegetation.

Continuing along the trail for about 2 km you will reach Cala Violina beach. The travel time of the entire path (from the entrance gate to Cala Violina) is about 1 hour.

You can reach Cala Violina also through the dirt road of Val Martina. Starting in Puntone di Scarlino continue driving for a few kilometers along the road of Collacchie towards Castiglione della Pescaia, then approximately 400 m before the gasoline station of Pian d’Alma, turn right on a gravel road (sign for Cala Violina), here at the Farm Laschetti there is a large parking area (fee). From the car park a path of about 2 km leads to Cala Violina.


The beach of Cala Violina, a sandy bay of great beauty, was rewarded by Legambiente as one of the 11 best beaches in Italy. Cala Violina, is enclosed by two headlands, and is characterized by fine white sand and particularly transparent waters with depths of rare beauty, formed by Posidonia Oceanica beds and large boulders of sandstone, between which you can see fish of all sizes.

Il mare cristallino di Cala Violina, Scarlino, Grosseto. Author and Copyright Marco Ramerini

The crystal clear waters of Cala Violina, Scarlino, Grosseto. Author and Copyright Marco Ramerini

Posidonia Oceanica, is a seagrass that play an important role to oppose the erosion of the coastline, for the oxygenation of the water, and its presence is a sign of great cleanliness and purity of water, it covers also part of the beach with his remains brought from seas-storm.

In Cala Violina, immersed in the maquis are tables and benches for the picnic, and a wide beach with crystal clear sea. The name of the beach derives from the nature of fine white sand, so as to produce a particular kind of “violin sound” when you are walking barefoot. The coast is surrounded by a green landscape consists of a dense and lush Mediterranean vegetation.


  • AA. VV. “Toscana” Guide Rosse Touring Club Italiano, 2007
  • Barberini, Mario “Scarlino nell’evoluzione storica della Maremma” Nistri Lischi Editori, Pisa, 1985
  • Cur. Celuzza, Mariagrazia “Guida alla Maremma antica” NIE, 1993

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