Home / Province of Siena / Chiusdino: a fortified medieval village
Chiusdino, Siena. Autor and Copyright Marco Ramerini

Chiusdino: a fortified medieval village

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Chiusdino (almost 2,000 inhabitants) is located in the province of Siena, from which is 37 km away, it’s an interesting medieval village perched on a hill in the Colline Metallifere (Metalliferous Hills) 564 meters above sea level, overlooking the Val di Merse.

The first evidence on Chiusdino date back to medieval times, it appears that during the Lombard era, between the seventh and eighth century, on the hill of Chiusdino there was a small castle, later in the twelfth century the castle was fought between the Republic of Siena, the Counts of Gherardesca of Frosini and the Bishops of Volterra to whom the castle belonged, in 1230 Siena prevailed and Chiusdino became a stable possession of the Sienese Republic.

The village still retains its medieval aspect and retains some sections of the double walls, there are homes of medieval times including the alleged home of San Galgano (Galgano Guidotti) where it is believed that the saint was born around 1150. Among the religious buildings of the country are the Rectory of St. Michael the Archangel (Propositura di San Michele Arcangelo), the church of San Martino and the church of the Compagnia di San Galgano or church of San Sebastiano.


The domain of Siena brought a period of great development for Chiusdino, were built two new town walls and in the surrounding areas were built many monasteries and abbeys, between these now stand the magnificent and evocative ruins of San Galgano Abbey. In the vicinity of the Abbey of San Galgano worth a visit the small church in Romanesque-Siennese style of Monte Siepi where you can see the famous sword in the stone. The remains of the medieval castle of Miranduolo situated on a hill south of Chiusdino are excavated by the University of Siena.

Chiusdino, Siena. Author and Copyright Marco Ramerini.

Chiusdino, Siena. Author and Copyright Marco Ramerini.





Weekly market in Chiusdino: Piazza XX Settembre, every Thursday from 8 am to 13

Tourist Information Office – Chiusdino
Ufficio Informazioni Piazza del Plebiscito, 2
Tel: 0577-750014


  • AA. VV. “Toscana” Guide Rosse Touring Club Italiano, 2007
  • Scali Luciano, Anselmi Barbara, Zangrandi Camillo, cur. Ass. culturale di Murlo “Val di Merse. Casole d’Elsa, Chiusdino, Monticiano, Murio, Radicondoli, Sovicille” 2005, Aska Edizioni
  • cur. Benvenuti A. “La spada nella roccia. San Galgano e l’epopea eremitica di Montesiepi” 2004, Mandragora
  • Marini Massimo “Chiusdino. Il suo territorio e l’Abbazia di San Galgano” 1995, NIE
  • Cardini Franco “San Galgano e la spada nella roccia” 2000, Cantagalli
  • Conti Andrea “San Galgano: il santo, l’eremo, l’abbazia. Storia e storie intorno alla spada nella roccia” 2011, Aska Edizioni

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